Saturday, January 26, 2013

Daily Lesson part 1

Since my fiance and I have been together, I have learned a valuable lesson.....typically, disagreements that lead to bickering come from a miscommunication on either one or both persons. In our case, this miscommunication is further exacerbated by my lack of being able to communicate effectively, i.e. my stuttering.

We tend to forget to breathe when we are in an intense disagreement with our significant other. Unlike other social situations where you can simply walk away from a situation when it gets heated, many times we cannot simply walk away from an argument with our other half. Even if you can walk away from the situation, it is not always a good thing. If you walk away to collect your thoughts and then reconvene under more calm conditions, then I believe that is very healthy and very conducive to settling the dispute. However, if one person walks away from the situation and does not intend on re-addressing what has happened, it will only fester and boil up inside only to come out at a later date, in a later argument.
....any way back to the point......remembering to take a moment to take a deep breath and shed some tension can be very helpful during a dispute. Especially in my case where a majority of my stuttering comes from stress on my vocal cords, taking a deep breath allows me to relax my vocal cords and speak more clearly and with less stress in my voice.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Forgive the expletive....but it gets the point across


Hello everyone!

First off I just wanted to to give you a little bit of an idea of what this blog is all about.

I love telling stories. I love coaching. I love speaking in front of groups. I love poetry. I love spoken word. ..............The only issue is that I suck at talking and communicating my feelings and ideas accurately.

I have struggled to communicate in a wide variety of ways my entire life. Getting engaged, attending undergrad, completing a graduate degree, coaching kids gymnastics, just to name a few, has only brought to light and exacerbated my problems with communication in an exponential fashion.

I have always stuttered so that's nothing new, but in the last year or so I have developed an issue where I feel like my brain is disconnected from my mouth or hands when writing.

As a result of the everything listed above, I want to correct these issues. So I figured the best way to go about this journey would to be to practice these communication skills again, and again, and again, and again, and again......

So here goes nothing....

Thank you for taking the time to stop by. I will try my best to put something up every couple of days or at least once a week.